Sermons from September 2013

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Sept. 29 “Living With Grace”


Dr. Glenn Wooden, a professor at Acadia Divinity College, was with us this Sunday. He shared an update on ADC and preached on living with grace. If you weren’t there, check out what he had to say below! Video streaming by Ustream

Sept. 22 “Good News”


Janet Baker was back with us this week to share a message on “Good News” – if you weren’t able to make it to church, check out the service below! Video streaming by Ustream

Sept. 8 “Abounding, Abiding, and Abundant Joy!”


Sunday was Kick-Off Day! (And, no, we weren’t talking about football!) We kicked off our new year with Sunday School at 9:30am, Morning Worship at 10:45am, and our Annual Church Family Picnic at Long Lake Camp at 2:00pm. Pastor Angela Stewart spoke on “J-O-Y!” – and it was a joyful morning, indeed! Video streaming by […]