March 1, 2015 “The Table That Brings Us Together” March 26, 2015 by Rev. Dr. Brian MacArthur A communion message for the final communion service in our historic building at 307 King Street.
February 22, 2015 “Prvidence Always Prevails” March 26, 2015 by Rev. Dr. Brian MacArthur God is at work in our lives and circumstances, even when we may not recognize His presence with us.
February 8th, 2015 “How Circumstances Test Character” March 26, 2015 by Rev. Dr. Brian MacArthur How we handle circumstances evidences our charcater.
February 1, 2015 “How Hardship Hones Faith” March 26, 2015 by Rev. Dr. Brian MacArthur Live video from your iPhone using Ustream
March 8, 2015 “Famous For Forgiving” March 26, 2015 by Rev. Dr. Brian MacArthur A message on what it means to forgive others.